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between subtle shading and the absence of light lies the nuance of iqlusion

Zola Restaurant - Russian Plaques

At the Zola Spy Restaurant in Washington DC, in the bar area, there are seven pairs of metal plaques spaced around the walls. Each plaque contains inscribed text in Cyrillic.


Upon closer examination, it is clear that there are only four actual texts, that are then duplicated in different formations.

The four texts have been named based on the first few characters of each one, as follows: Togo, Ies, C, Nevozmozhno

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Togo / C Togo / Ies C / Ies
C / Togo Ies / C

Nevozmozhno / Togo
Nevozmozhno / Ies

Transcripts of the text on the plaques are available. If anyone would like to contribute their own transcripts, revisions, or translations, please add them to the following list, or write to with their location:

  • Ies - David Wilson's transcript of the IES plaque.
  • Nevozmozhno - David Wilson's transcript of the Nevozmozhno plaque.
  • C - David Wilson's transcript of the "C" plaque.
  • Togo - David Wilson's transcript of the Togo plaque.
  • Keith Edkins' revised transcripts and draft translation

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    (last modified 2005-11-01)       [Login]
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